IOL (IntraOcular Lens) Test

The IOL (IntraOcular Lens) Test is a test to determine if you are a good candidate for Premium Intraocular Lenses.


Ask one of our Eye Care Experts, obligation free. Call us today at 339-206-8994 or CLICK HERE to fill out our Online Contact Form.

Next generation lens technology has finally arrived and there has never been a better time than now to have cataract surgery.

Until recently, life without reading glasses or bifocals, as a patient with cataracts was not an option.

Now, thanks to these premium lenses life without glasses and contact lenses is a reality!

Eye Care Specialists offers premium intraocular lenses (IOLs), including multifocal and toric options. These advanced lenses are available to all cataract patients. To determine the best IOL for your vision, schedule a Cataract Consultation Exam with Dr. Frangieh, Dr. Mills, or Dr. Kefella. During this comprehensive exam, our doctors will explain each lens option and recommend the most suitable choice for your unique needs.

For more information or to schedule your consultation, please contact our surgical coordinators at 339-206-8994.

The IOL (IntraOcular Lens) Test

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